Although Donald Trump has not been challenged on the war in Ukraine or the war in Israel during his time in the White House, FOX has been particularly critical of America's moral values. The findings of this report are difficult to reconcile with the results of previous reports.
The fact-check following the televised debate between Harris and Trump found that the Republican candidate spent an average of one minute making claims that were out of touch with reality. His lies about the alleged lack of aid to hurricane victims can be verified by any American, and it is common knowledge that he does not have a 90 per cent lead over Harris in the polls. If moral values are so important, how can Trump be a candidate for any party at all?
In earlier US Weekly Election Reports, we showed that most of the main concerns of US citizens barely reached the 1.5 percent perception threshold of all reports broadcast: concern no. 1 inflation was at one percent, concern no. 4 drug abuse received a broadcast time of 0.5 percent, etc. However, TV stations give a great deal of airtime to the main concern no. 7 – crime. With what intention?
Regarding top concern #6, it can be confirmed that both networks gave the issue enough airtime in their top news stories (2.6 percent on CBS, 3.8 percent on FOX) for their viewers to feel that their concerns were being addressed. However, neither network makes much of the fact that the crisis has been steadily defused since Obama. It seems grotesque for Trump to blame his successors for what he himself - from the perspective of CBS and FOX - did not do better.
For more than a decade, the actions of politicians and parties in the United States have been presented to Europeans - whether in England, Germany, Spain or Switzerland - in a predominantly critical light.
The TV-Debate illustrated multiple results: 1) some of the top concerns (see the PEW Ranking in this graph) bothering the voters were touched – but most not. 2) Kamela Harris was able to make her case – all post-polls underline her request to go for a second TV debate. 3) Paul Krugman highlighted an observa-tion which rarely is addressed in the opinion leading media, since the topic of age faded: “Many people get worse as they grow older because they become more like themselves”
The unresolved problem of drug addiction is one of the top 5 concerns that have been on the nation's mind for years – but it was not addressed in the TV-Debate.